The Tokachi Foundation, a network partner of UPDATE EARTH located in Hokkaido, operates the startup support space LAND in Obihiro City. LAND Coordinators, who are foundation staff members, provide consultations and share information while connecting entrepreneurs with experts, municipalities, and research institutions. This initiative supports new challenges and aims to foster innovative business plans and ideas originating from the Tokachi region. The foundation offers various support services, including pre- and post-launch consultations and subsidies for outstanding business initiatives.
The foundation also hosts a variety of events. One highlight is the KAIKON ("Reclamation") business event held in October, which promoted collaboration through activities such as a field caravan networking session to rediscover regional resources in Tokachi and pitch sessions by entrepreneurs.
In December, the foundation held the TOMOSHIBI ("Light") student business event. The program featured a keynote speech by a professional who shared how they discovered and nurtured their "light" through their entrepreneurial journey, as well as business plan presentations by students from the Tokachi region.
Tokachi has gained nationwide attention as a hub for emerging startups, including Interstellar Technologies (IST), which focuses on rocket development. The initiatives led by LAND are expected to further accelerate the development of a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Tokachi region.
- Organizer: Tokachi Foundation
- Link: LAND - Tokachi Startup Café (Hokkaido / Tokachi / Obihiro City)