Kagawa Prefecture, a network partner of UPDATE EARTH, is organizing the "Kagawa Business Challenge Competition" for startups. This competition seeks to discover innovative business plans that create new value through groundbreaking technologies and ideas, ultimately revitalizing the local economy. Applications are screened and evaluated to identify promising entrepreneurs.
In the 2024 competition, 24 entries were received, of which 6 passed the initial document screening. Based on public presentations held in August, winners were selected for the Grand Prize, Excellence Award, and Encouragement Award.
The Grand Prize was awarded to JapanFruits Co., Ltd., for their system that eliminates back-office tasks for producers, saving an average of 20 hours of disposable time per producer each month. The Excellence Award went to DO·CHANGE Co., Ltd., for developing, in collaboration with Kagawa National College of Technology, a technique to easily extract copper wires from coated cables. The winners received subsidies of ¥5 million and ¥3 million, respectively.
Furthermore, all participants who passed the initial document screening received ongoing support, including mentoring from accelerators. The competition aims to create innovative startups and accelerate their growth.
- Organizer: Kagawa Prefecture
- "Kagawa Business Challenge Competition" – Creating and Accelerating the Growth of Startups to Revitalize the Local Economy
- Recruiting Tenants for Kagawa Office and Lab!