We are pleased to announce the establishment of “UPDATE EARTH” as a general incorporated foundation on October 30, 2023.
The purpose of the foundation is to expand the pool of entrepreneurial human resources through the implementation of early-stage entrepreneurship training courses and collaboration with business contests, etc. By discovering and supporting entrepreneurs, aim to create companies that will be active in Japan and around the world, and to realize change toward a better society.
1. Implementation of Entrepreneurship Training Courses
2. Discovering and supporting the development of entrepreneurs through collaboration with innovation awards and business contests.
3. Providing business support to entrepreneurs and start-up companies.
4. Undertaking other activities necessary to achieve the objectives of the Organization.
About UPDATE EARTH Project
デロイト トーマツ、国内最大級のイノベーションプロジェクト「UPDATE EARTH」を始動|ニュースリリース|デロイト トーマツ グループ|Deloitte
デロイト トーマツ、「破天荒解」なビジネスアイデアや事業計画を表彰するビジネスコンテストを開催|ニュースリリース|デロイト トーマツ グループ|Deloitte